Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quantz Snake and Orange Monk

I've been on the street for a week.  Currently interested in location of Murdoch building- because I believe them interested in renovation ideas.

From last night to this morning, I had two dreams.

Last night I dreamed, there're a group of cartoon snakes. They have oval shape big head, and in different colours. There're 5-6 of them.

When I woke up, I believe those snakes mostly resembling the two snakes I saw in Uni SA building, that west campus of Mars Marketing Labolatory,( Mars episode ) which is in the 4th flour. Two snakes twine around each other like a World Health Organisation Symbol.

In my dream they were happy cartoon snakes, have big head. I suddnely got an impression, I was one of the snakes. The snake was very young and seemed to be a teen. She has fair skin and was playing an unfamilar Quantz Flute Concerto. But half the way, there come the news that one of them died, so all dissapeared , except the "me" Quantz snake. There was an aged man I knew among them, then that "me" hid in a toilet, and locked "myself" up. And that aged man had a look the lock, didn't enter and left.

This morning I saw suddenly I had a daughter. I was purchasing an orange leather bag from the store. A first bag, charged more expensive, but a second one was 10 dollars.  And I started to buy clothes for the daughter. She had blond hair, 7-8 years old. I bought only one style of long sleeve sport top, it was in pink and she tried on all colours of them. Then she said, don't you think it's better to match up with purple ? The last colour she tried on is violet.

As soon as I woke up, I immediately saw a monk in the library clothed in bright orange !!

These two look most like the bag I had bought. But I didn't see the little keys in the first one, thought that style is most similar.

The dream seemed to be the episode of a former daughter version, who has blond hair, about 2-3. but was rejected by me. I don't know how she has born to me and grow up like 7-8 years old. ( Or it means she can't live too long in her present life? )

I want to also mention the dream I had weeks before.

In one of them, I saw that news factory. It was a dream between reality and dream, and I woke up to find out the situation and back to dream of the same site.

There was a building open just near the factory, with colourful lights.  The carpet is pucture of one woman while the picture on the wall is another. Then after a while, the carpet women changed, so as the picture women.  When I watch carefully nowadays, I found the colour is actually from the new car park behind the facotry. But at night, it was seen on line of the factory, like next door. The car park is currently with colourful changing lights. And I especially notice the black stairs outside the carpark, very similar to Amy Winehouse's picture stairs, with a skeleton of animal at front.

I then saw in my dream the wall between my location and factory build up. When I woke up, I saw it's another carpark, called "legacy" , is legal service for veteran children.

Somehow I met Anglina Jolie and Brad Pit. I also had a brief chat with Anglina Jolie, but I couldn't remember what was it... Then Brad Pitt looked at me, he said " I prefer big breasts than spiritual beauty "
They seemed to be on a wife swap game...

I also saw Yo-yo Ma, he was studying boi-science. I heard him saying " what business can do has almost been done, there's not too much to do in business. So I study about germs..."

1 comment:

  1. I really cannot ignore the orange bags not as good as the one at cwmalls, just check the Women's leather tote handbags at http://www.cwmalls.com and you will found how beautiful it is
